I'll be using this thread to document any particular changes made to the site and/or this board. You may use this thread to discuss said changes.
I'll be waiting for a bit longer before clearing out the dead boards. Eventually I'll list them up on a separate "graveyard" page.
Let me know if you have any archives of these dead textboards.
Hello, I'd like you to check out my prototype single-board, un-threaded forum.
It might not be close enough to a 2ch style board to be worth including in your list, but I hope you do check it out. If I go anywhere with it I might buy it a dedicated domain. Thanks.
Damn!! And posting only seems to work half the time too... If you're reading this and can't post, refresh just in case. If you know how to fix this, uhh... Hit me up here, I guess. If you can. I need to set up an email soon.
Oct 9:
Added Sonzaishinai World.
almost done with multich
Overtext, are you still alive?
Launch URL will be //0chan.vip . Still need to finish the tagging engine.
You need to update 4-ch's board list. They recently removed some boards.
Gurochan's /dis/ is, as you can imagine, part of the larger Gurochan website which, in turn, seems nucleated with two other Guro-adjacent sites. If you don't know what Guro is, then either you're too young to have stumbled into this place or I'm too old to maintain it...
there is actually a couple kolyma textboards
Ganbatte has been dead for a while.
text.wizchan.org no longer exists.
admin pls remove ganbatte and move some of the dead boards to the graveyard kthx
Hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it? Then again, we all move at a much slower pace in this corner of the Web. Hopefully I didn't forget my tripcode.
Shoutout to the author of iblist (https://gitgud.io/iblist/textboards.json) who has graciously linked to the OVERTEXT. Some of the boards listed there are yet to be listed here - and some even appear to be active... there's a few chanlists I've yet to plunder, google searches yet to be refined, and so on. In the meantime, add new boards you find or advertise your own at the BOARDWATCH thread.
Rude and unnecessary. Also /whitelist/ da best worldwide 🌐
>The OVERTEXT just legitimized /whitelist/ for some reason. The curator still has no idea what this board is for, or what it means to be on the /whitelist/.
what is wrong with you leave us
please leave
cool site
And yet https://www.4ct.org still lives while the piles of dead Patch text boards fill the 404s.