0chan.vip is the flagship instance of Multichan, a decentralized, tag-based textboard. Another server in the multichan network is http://bbs.4x13.net ; threads made on 0chan and posted to 4x13 and vice versa; comments to 0chan's threads made on 4x13 are copied back to 0chan.
There's more multichan nodes now..
Unable to connect to bbs.4x13.net
The remote host or network may be down.
Please try the request again.
flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship flagship flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship flagship
flagship flagship
Unable to connect to ripirc.org
The remote host or network may be down.
Please try the request again.
Unable to connect to multich.kuz.lol
The remote host or network may be down.
Please try the request again.